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Week 1

Language Transition

After having been in China for two weeks, I've slowly adapted to always using Chinese to express myself instead of English. Still, there are times that I say English words unconsciously, such as “excuse me” when I need to move past someone instead of “Dui bu qi, Qing rang rang(对不起,请让让),”maybe because the English way is shorter than the Chinese way and I got used to saying the English word.

My Experience in BASIS

I have been in BASIS for six years, from 7th grade to 12th grade.

Classroom Dynamics

-there are lots of posters in classrooms

-students are often allowed to sit wherever they want to sit(no arranged seating.)

-students don't typically receive a lot of homework.

-students are not allowed to have more than two tests a day.

Teacher-Student Relationship

-Teachers are very friendly, willing to discuss anything, even student's social life, with students.

-Teachers stay after school, assisting students who need help with their assignment.

-Teachers have weekly faculty meetings, discussing problems that sutdents are having with learning the material.

-Teachers are very respectful of student's privacy.


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