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Week 8

Questions that I have for my survey:

-On a scale of one to 10,how would you rate your closeness to your teachers?

-If you encounter academic difficulty, would you seek your teacher for help?

-When you encounter difficulty in life, would you seek your teacher for help?

-What happens when you forget to bring your homework to school? Would you tell your teacher or would you keep it to yourself?

-On a scale of one to 10, how would you rate your class participation? (If a student gives himself/herself a score lower than 5, then ask him/her about “Why”)

-Do you like your classroom size(Would you rather have a smaller class?)

-Do you like arranged seating(in general)? Do you like your arranged seating?

-If you were to have more free time, would you use the time to join more clubs or would you use it to do other things?

A quick update: I've already scheduled a time, next Tuesday, for my survey.


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